Student Contract and Advisory Note

Student Contract and Advisory Note to Student

The SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG) requires all private schools and their students to sign a student contract for any course that is longer than two months. The Student Contract sets out the contractual commitments of both the student and the Private Education Institute (PEI).

The Student Contract is a critical document that governs the relationships between the PEI, i.e. Executive Counselling and Training Academy (in this case) and the student. Prospective students should therefore understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated in the contract before signing it. The Student Contract needs to be signed before the course fee is paid.

The Student Contract contains information on course information and details of course fees, refund policy, fee protection scheme, medical insurance scheme and additional information relating to the governing law and dispute resolution.

Advisory Note to Students

The advisory note points to important information that prospective students should read and understand or be briefed on before the Student Contract is signed.

Click here to download a sample of the SSG Student Contract
Click here to view the Advisory Note.
Click here to visit SSG website