Leave of Absence
Students who opt to apply for Leave of Absence should take into consideration the following policies which may influence the payable fees and completion requirements when they return to the course.
1. Flinders University Policy on Leave of Absence (LOA) or Discontinuation of Course
If you are an enrolled student in a Flinders University course and wish to apply for Leave of Absence (LOA) or Discontinuation of Course, please read the university’s policies:
- Students who take a break from study for up to six months or one semester cease to be counted as enrolled students for this period, but do not lose any right of return to their course, and for all policy matters are treated as not having had a Leave of Absence applied.
- However, a student who takes such a break may forfeit their place in their award and may have their status changed to Absent Without Leave (AWOL) unless they:
- enrol or re-enrol in at least one topic which counts towards their award in the next semester following the semester in which they ceased to be an enrolled student, or
- apply for and are granted a leave of absence.
- Students who require a break from study of more than six months or one semester (whichever is longer) must apply for leave of absence via the Ask Flinders online enquiry portal if they wish to ensure they retain their place in their course.
- Leave of absence may be granted for up to 12 months in a calendar year, with one extension for up to a further 12 months, subject to approval and any course specific requirements.
- At the end of the period of leave of absence the student must re-enrol in their course to reactivate their enrolment status and retain their place in the course.
- A student may apply for re-admission after forfeiting their place in a course.
Source / More information:
2. ECTA Policy on Course Fee Payment for Unit Re-enrolment Upon Return from LOA
2.1 Students who are required to enrol again into a “not completed” Unit upon their return from Leave of Absence will be required to pay the course fees for that Unit in full (at the prevailing rate, and including other relevant fee components such as Administrative Fee, etc.). Fees that were paid during their prior course of study (from which they had taken Leave of Absence) cannot be applied to their subsequent course of study upon their return.
2.2a Refunds of unconsumed course fees at the point of applying for Leave of Absence will be based on the following terms and conditions:
- Student Contract Refund Table (Schedule D); and
- If a student had not yet begun the Unit (ie. begun to attend lectures) for which course fees had been paid based on the instalment schedule.
2.2b Refunds of course fees are not possible if the above terms and conditions are not met.
Students who are considering applying for Leave of Absence are therefore strongly encouraged to complete (meeting of minimum attendance criteria, and attainment of a minimum Pass grade for all assessments in that Unit) as many Units as possible before applying for Leave of Absence.